Sisters Verena and Gertrud Zanger
probably in their house in Wetzlar, Helgebachstrasse or Stoppelsberger Hohl
during the late 1920ies or beginning 1930ies
In the background behind door glass window their brother Rolf
probably during the later 1930ies
with two unknown persons
probably during the 2nd WW years 1939-45
at the entrance of Central Hotel
probably in Paris between 1939 and 1945
with her company Mr. Scholz
probably during late 2ndWW or post-war years in Emmershausen
with her mother Gertrud Zanger Schmidt in Emmershausen
between 1945 and 1950
between 1950 and 1956
between 1950 and 1956
and other familiars in Apolda
between 1950 and 1956
and with Maria Klinge-Weil, Margot Dörr and sister Gertrud Zanger
at Kurandt Hotel Terrace in Weilrod-Altweilnau
probably in 1956
probably in Emmershausen during 1950-1956
at Frankfurt Airport probably in 1956
Verena Zanger Passport Photography
unknown date