Montag, 23. August 2021

Carl Wilhelm Weil

Carl Wilhelm Weil senior *31.1.1870 - 9.11.1926
probably at the age of 28 in Basel

In his third following generation not much is known about the personality and life history of the probably most important and life condition determinating personality of the family. This exposition is based on a small number of surviving documents and objects related to the founder of the Weiltal-Family-Branch, who survived as illegitimate born son 56 years in a region, where between heritage rules and ground property logic misbegotten children often had been predictable destined to be "made out". 

For the author of this Family-Museum Personality Chapter, who itself is the great-grandson of the here described CARL WILHELM WEIL and who was raised and educated since his birth in 1957 until the age of 12 years inside CARL WILHELM WEIL´s house at Emmershäuser Hütte, the hypothetical reconstruction of the character of his great-grandfather was only possible based on the stories and descriptions he received by his mother ROSEMARIE KLINGE WEIL - ZANGER. The author never met his great-grandfather, who dissappeared already in 1926, 31 years before he himself was born in 1957.

Little we know about Carl Wilhelm Weil´s survival strategy, except that he earned his life as travelling employee, constantly moving and migrating between far away german regions or foreign countries such as Great Britain and Switzerland and his "homelands", the Taunus Mountains and the Weil Valley, situated near the hometown of his unlawful mother. Her native village, Steinfischbach, is situated only 8 kilometers beeline away - or 25 kilometers on road - from his last contractors headquarters, the stopcock faucet producer Gutacker in Nieder-Reifenberg, a traditional local Schmitten commune company that runs nowadays a bus line.

In earlier years Carl Wilhelm, as attractive young man with vivid, lifefull view from noble descendence must have served as domestic employee at noble courts such as the Windsors in England and the House of Baden. 

The stock of portrait photographies of the CID Institute Museum Family History Collection contains a set of 8 photographies taken by professional photographer´s studios that display the young CARL WILHELM during his adolescent time until his marriage in Mannheim in 1898. The witnesses of the photostudios situated in France, southern Germany and Switzerland indicate, that CARL WILHELM travelled during 1885 until 1898 between occupational sites in several countries and was so far so good situated, that he could afford repeated expensive photographic sessions in renowned imaging institutes. 

Upper from left to right :

Karlsruhe, Karl Ruf Royal Court Photographer, Amalienstrasse 26 - about 1885-90
Basel, Gbr. A.&P Müller Steinenthorberg, 1895
Lahr (Black Forest), A. Person Schillerstrasse 21, about 1895-1898
Hagenau (Elsass), K. Weber Cavallerie Kaserne, about 1895-1898

Lower from left to right :

Metz, A. Zinnelauf & Co Römerstrasse 27-29
Metz, A Zinnenlauf & Co Rue Serpenoise 27-29
Basel, C.F.Schmid Clarastrasse 5 (Nachf. Müller-Kirchhofer)
unknown site about 1898

To the author and the CID Institute Museum details about Carl Wilhelm´s exact travelling and occupations remain unknown. For the first portrait from Carl Ruf Photographer at Karlsruhe the parallel existence of a portrait photography from the same studio that shows allegedly the "father of Carl Wilhelm Weil" could indicate, that the 1870 born son of an temporary emigrant from Saint Petersburg Russia met about 1885 in Karlsruhe his illegitimate father. But the authenticity of the father´s portrait photography is doubtful.

His travels then led him to Basel (Switzerland), Lahr (Black Forest), Hagenau (Alsace) and Metz. A couple of portaits taken from Carl Wilhelm in the nowadays french town Metz indicate, that during his stage there in the years between 1890-1896 he began to grow his beard that dressed him from then until his higher age. Around 1895 he moved return to Basel. During his following years in Switzerland and Black Forest Region he must have met his later wife, ANNA MARIA LEBER GREINER, that lived as young Lady also in Zürich.

Carl Wilhelm Weil at the age of 28
when he married Anna Maria Leber Greiner from Hausen Blackforest

His magic dark-black eye-expression exposed him to his probable fathers familiar membership from ROMANOV Dynasty, that integrated during his birth-time years also the Tzar Family of the former Russian Empire, a "heritage" that may mean for him and his descendants a certain degree of political persecution, including by the so called "Bolvhiki". But his royal descendence also must have opened him the doors of West-European noble houses that adopted, protected and raised exactly these children that disturbed the clean heritage stem followers mathematic calculations. 

His mother, born 5th September 1845 as Wilhelmine Katherine Friederike Weil, daughter of Johann Adam Weil and Katherine Holdmann from Wüstems-Steinfischbach, must have met at the age of 25 one of the Romanov family members that remained during those years as spa guests in the Wiesbaden Region. The Moskov Romanov´s strong presence in the far away capital of the Nassau County Wiesbaden was explainable by the marriage of the head of the House of Nassau, a certain Adolph, constructor of the Weilburg shipping tunnel, with the 17 year old Elisabethna Michailowna Romanowa, the Russian Grand Duchess from Moscow.

Carl Wilhelms father, who fall in love with Wilhelmine Katherine Friederike from Steinfischbach, must have followed the Entourage of the young married Elisabethna Michailowna when she moved in 1844 from Moscow to her new husbands home at Wiesbaden, where he employed himself as house teacher. Unknown is, if Carl Wilhelms father gave lessons in Wilhelmine Katherine Friederikes parents house at Steinfischbach or if she attended classes in Wiesbaden. Unknown remain also the teached subjects. But in the month of May 1869 shining black eyes and waving hot blood of both, russian teacher and then 24 year old woman from Steinfischbach, distracted themselves from the teached topics so that they found each other in an intense erotic relationship, that led to the pregnancy of Wilhelmine Katherine and the birth of Carl Wilhelm the day 20th of February 1870 as sayed in Mainz. These calender, site and name data are known thanks to the accurate work of a certain Mr. Jung, registrar and church book keeper at Rod an der Weil in Usingen district during the years of the german Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945 that composed all family data in family stem books to detect jewish or clean arian race descendences.

Birth registry of Carl Wilhelm Weil´s mother in a german Nazi family stem registry book

Carl Wilhelms daddy´s name couldn´t be registered there in the family stem book for unknown reasons, but should have been known, for a greater number of letters that the latter sent to his Steinfischbach Love from Saint Petersburg, to where he had to return later after his love affair as russian house teacher and after his Love got pregnant. His nickname - as told later - might have been "Zarevitsch".

As a model concept of 19th century Russian-Nassau Love affairs both Love Stories ended most possibly sad with the birth of a son and the death of the young woman. Both Love Story developments allow so the further study of sexual geneaology warfare on both sides of a same religious-political medal - the legal married faces frontside and the unlawful, misbegotten and unmarried ones, that occupy "legally" the backside of the coin. But Carl Wilhelm Weil might have given an worthful example how to proceed to turn that coin - at least for a while.

Elisabethna Michailowna Romanowa left her husband and her marriage with Adolph from Nassau contracted at 31st January 1844 chosing the way of death by puerperal fever 363 days later after 3 month of happyness and 9 month of pregnancy in an alien country. The survival data of her son born 28th January 1845 are unsecure, actual common sources declare the born child as daughter and also dead. Her empire, the Duchy of Nassau, ended as administrative construction then between 1866 an 1868. 

Wilhelmine Katherine Friederike Weil left her nameless Lover from Saint Petersburg the day 11th September 1870 when she died for unknown reasons in Wüstems Steinfischbach, 6 month and 20 days after her son Carl Wilhelm was born and 25 years after Elisabethna Michailowna Romanowa had passed away. But her son Carl Wilhelm survived, gave birth to two daughters and a son, living as known so far until 1927 and founded an interesting genealogical following group, the Weil-Klinge-Zanger Family, worthful to study as structural example for extraordinary genealogical tree management in Germany.

But first, after his adolescent migration years, Carl Wilhelm contracted marriage in the age of 28 with a 7 year younger woman from german Black Forest, a far away region from Taunus Mountain Range. Where they exactly met each other is unknown, but some sources indicate that both possibly had been empolyees at the House of Baden during the late 1890ies. 

The beginning Love-Relationship between Carl Wilhelm and Anna Maria has been preserved in a small number of love gifts which Carl Wilhelm sent to his Love meanwhile she had her residence in the Switzerland town of Zürich, where she lived in the private pension of Mrs. Denner at Bahnhofstrasse 82 in Zürich. Carl Wilhelm sent to her three postcards for New Year 1897/98 at 30.12.1897, at 4th January 1898 from Basel and at 18.1898 from Fribourg. Also an unfoldable flower bucket and a flower card from 16th May 1898 for Anna Maria´s Birthday have been hold preserved first by her and later by her daughter and granddaughter.

Preserved Love Gifts from Carl Wilhelm Weil
to his later spouse Anna Maria Weil Leber in 1898 

Postcards from Switzerland sent by Carl Wilhelm Weil
to his later spouse Anna Maria Weil Leber in 1898
when she lived at Zürich 

Anna Maria LEBER GREINER, Carl Wilhelms later spouse, belonged to a greater family resident in Hausen (Wiesental) that emigrated from this german Blackforest village nearly completely towards the United States of America during the last decades of the 19th century. As the family history tale tells, also Anna Maria and her father should follow the already left emigrants towards the USA and had already wrapped up all their belongings in several sea chests ready for shipping with a steamer or sailing ship, when her daddy crashed down from a stables roof and was then unable to initiate the travel.   

Anna Maria must have found pleasure in Carl Wilhelm and accepted his courtship during the year 1898. Both probably met in Basel, where at Th. Hoffmann Photographers in Clarastrasse 36 a tender love couple portrait with flower rim has been taken.

Anna Maria Leber Greiner and Carl Wilhelm Weil
portraited as Love Couple  in Basel by Th. Hoffmann

Together with her later husband Carl Wilhelm she travelled then to Mannheim, where Herrmann Klebusch, the Grand Ducal Court Photographer of Baden, took their wedding photo. Their marriage had taken place in that same town the 12th November 1898, a Saturday. Then first they moved more far away from Carl Wilhelm mother´s hometown Steinfischbach in Taunus Mountains towards the southern neighbour country Switzerland, where they setteled in the border town of Basel and where their first 2 children Marie and Carl junior were born in 1900 (18.5.1900) and 1901 (24.9.1901).

Anna Maria Leber Greiner´s and Carl Wilhelm Weil´s marriage photo

But something, unknown what, drove them away from their probably privileged urban residence in Basel and made them move return together with newborn son and daughter towards the Taunus Mountain Range and the Nassau County, that erotic meeting place of that 1869 Russian-Nassau Love Couple through their tender meetings emerged Carl Wilhelm in 1870. There they took their residence in an ancient mining building hidden in the forest between the small mountainside country villages of Rod an der Weil and Emmershausen.

The Emmershäuser Hütte iron smelting plant belonged at that time to the Lossen family, a family branch of the regional Hattstein and Nassau Usingen dynasty. Countryside Estates owned by the Nassau rulers like the Emmershäuser Hütte iron mine melting plant often have been entrusted to former higher military degrees out of service. So the fact that Carl Wilhelm Weil could buy in 1900-1903 the mine directors living house as new residence for his family indicates, that he must have had good reputations and references accepted by the regional governance.

Carl Wilhelm and Anna Maria moved together with Marie and Carl junior to their new house far away from urban business of the Basel metropolis during 1902-03. Their third child and second daughter, Hedwig Weil, is already registered in the Rod an der Weil birth register at 27th December 1903. Towards the small scaled rooms of the half-timbered countryside building they brought from Basel their complete household items, including a set of valuable furniture, household and decorative objects that they had received as payment in natural goods for their service. In the narrow room of the countryside house, space became even more cramped when a piano, an extendable table for 10 persons with it´s chairs, a commode, a settee and an inmense wardrobe with the sculptured head of Marco Polo had to be stored there.

Ring holding Lion, a remaining Settee fitting. 


Between 1902 and 1926 the Weil-Leber Family at Emmershausen established their new residence for a longer period of time than their short time stage at Basel. They established their social relationships and started to construct their home and living environment. But also a childrens photography taken by a Basel photographer, that portraited all 3 children of the family including Hedwig Weil, indicates, that after having setteled in Emmershausen the family must have returned to Basel less in one circumstance during 1904/05.

An urgent challenge, maybe the most important one, was the construction of an running water supply for the living house during an historical epoch, when countryside village houses still hadn´t drinking water supply via municipal water pipes. The Weil-family-house at Emmershäuser Hütte received an own and independent water-reservoir and water supply pipe, self-constructed inside the adjacent forest. The year of completion of this construction is actually not registerd and still under research. With the municipal administration then had to be negotiated an compensation payment for water usage rights.

Carl Wilhelm Weil´s family then acquired in the first quarter of the 20iest Century a number of plots of land around Emmershausen. Between these as most important figure 4 meadows in the direct and farer vecinity of the living house at Emmershäuser Hütte. Probably later and maybe by property ownership exchange joined fields in the village marking districts "Am Scheidt", "Am Bruchrain" and at "Schulstrasse" in vecinity of the church graveyard. By heritage the family also aquired land properties in german Black Forest (Hausen, Schopfheim, Raithbach) and probably also in the United States of America (Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis).

One of these land acquaintances at Emmershäuser Hütte from 1918 initiated a future important meaning for the Weil-families settlement there - the Greenland "Weil Meadow" -  situated between the families living house and the Weil River, whereby the name of the river "Weil" established a metaphysical bridge between the name of the family "Weil" and it´s new settlement location at Emmershausen. This importance first gained greater meaning, when a fortified weir was constructed there, to supply a former mill, situated in the margin of the village with river water. The mill "Emmershäuser Mühle" since 1918 was sold to the german Labour Union "IG Bau Steine Erden (BSE)", that constructed there then a training center for union members, establishing also a new swimming pool in direct vecinity to Emmershäuser Hütte. As outstanding detail involves the fact, that the water supply tube from the Weil River weir towards the Trade Union´s swimming area traversed the middle of the Weil Families Weil meadow and divided her into 2 parts.

Contract between Carl Wilhelm Weil and Adolf Henrici, signed 26. July 1918 at Frankfurt with extension from 1st November 1918 at Usingen, about the conditions of the transfer of ownership of the Weil River Meadow at Emmershäuser Hütte towards the estate of the Weil Family. 

The Weil-families "Weil River Meadow" at Emmershäuser Hütte nowadays, an Experimental Extension site of the CID Institute´s Botanical Garden and now under the ownership of Mr. Carl Wilhelm Weil´s only great-great granddaughter


But Carl Wilhelm had to leave his wife and their 3 children often alone for longer times in their woodland house nearby Emmershausen village to go on with his professional occupation as travelling commercial clerk in representance of here unknown producers of goods, a profession that probably allowed him and his family a certain prosperity during the 2 1/2 decades of 1900-1925. But not much data that could enlighten his professional travels between 1903 and 1919 are conserved.

But a second reasoning might have superimposed the professional motives that drove him away from his home frequently to longer absences abroad. If he, an illegitimate son of a young Steinfischbach woman, that died short after his birth and of an migrant russian father, that left the pregnant mother alone, would have taken his residence in the inmediate neighbourhood of his deceased mother´s hometown, his own "heredary process" would have initiated as soon as he would have setteled fixed in the Weiltal region. Steinfischbach and the Emmershäuser Hütte are only 9 1/2 kilometers apart.

About Carl Wilhelm Weil´s life during the time of World War I (1.8.1914 - 11.11.1918) his family descendance holds no documents, photographies or other witnesses.

A letter to his wife sent 25th August 1919 from Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Plauen (Vogtand/Saxony) indicates this site as a professional transit stage (See : Personal Family Objects CWW). 

At 15th November 1919 the regional administration at Usingen and Emmershausen issues an travel passport for Carl Wilhelm that shows, that the internal efforts to restructure the state structure in Germany have not only been under the unique guide of the Weimar Republic established since 1918 from Berlin. Despite of the official end of the German Empire with the end of WWI at 11.11.1918, Carl Wilhelm Weil´s new passport was adorned with the imperial eagle and the imperial crown - an indication that maybe the former Nassau County understood itself as independent follower of the now Prussian Crown area inside the post-war Germany in reconstruction. 

Carl Wilhelm Weil´s first Post-WWI Travel Passport from November 1919
It includes travel permissions and immigration seals for
16.12.1919-16.1.1920 to French occupied zone Mayence Coblence
15.2.1920-15.3.1920 to Basel Switzerland (4.2.20 at Usingen)
27.2.-2./3.3.20 Stage at Basel
3.3.-11.3.20 Stage at Zürich
11.3.-15.3.20 Stage at Luzern ?
15.3.-19.3.20 Stage at Basel
1.7.1920 - 15.8.1920 to Basel Switzerland (29.6.20 at Usingen)
12.7.-14.8.20 Stage at Basel

Between Carl Wilhelm´s both 1920-Switzerland travels he arranged at 4th June 1920 for his home at Emmershäuser Hütte an fire insurance police with the Württembergische Fire Insurance at Stuttgart. As police-holders appear Carl Wilhelm Weil and Mrs. Tilly Achenbach, beneficiary of the insurance is Carl Wilhelm´s spouse Anna Maria Weil Leber. 

A travel card for 1920, issued by his employer Wilhelm Herr iron hardware at Schmitten-Niederreiffenberg, designes him as travelling agent in representance for the products of that company.

At 18th August 1922 Carl Wilhelm´s spouse Anna Maria claims for her and their common daughter Hedwig an ID-card at the Emmershausen village majors office, but her first kept travel passport dates only for 5th October 1928.

At 7th August 1924 Carl Wilhelm then received a new 2-year travel passport from the regional authorities that he later let extend from 13th July 1926 until 12. July 1927. 

At 30. June 1925 a common heritage legacy for the spouses Weil is drawn up at Usingen Legal Court that declared Anna Maria Weil as sole heiress of Carl Wilhelm.  

Carl Wilhelm´s new travel passport documents seals of 5 more border control entries to Switzerland during 1924-1926, at 25th September 1924 (at Emmishofen), at 16. May and 28th September 1925 and 1st March 1926 at Basel Bad Train Station and as last two noted registries, both for 1st September 1926 at Kreuzlingen-Emmishofen and at "Bodensee". 

At 26. August 1926 Carl Wilhelm had sent a postcard from Winterthur to his wife that indicates also a return over the town of Zürich during his probably last stage in Switzerland. 

His passport photo from August 1924 showed at that time that Carl Wilhelm had aged visibly, appearing somewhat more mature than his age of 54. Also a portrait photography elaborated by the renowned photographers studio DE VYLDER from Friedrichsdorf today also gives the impression, that the person portraited is a little bit older than 56 years.

Carl Wilhelm Weil´s August 1924 Passport Picture

Carl Wilhelm Weil on a portrait photography from DE VYLDER Photographers studio at Friedrichsdorf

In September 1926 Carl Wilhelm must have returned to his family home in Emmershausen. A handwritten note on a visit card of the company Gutacker Niederreifenberg dated 5th November 2021 seems to indicate his presence in his home area. 

A family photography of him, his spouse and their 3 children in the idyllic surrounding of the Emmershäuser Hütte house garden might date in that time or maybe has been taken some years more early.  

Anna Marie Weil Leber, Hedwig Weil, Carl Wilhelm Weil, unknown family guest, Carl Weil junior, Marie Weil with dog Milord (Probably 1920-1926). The picture is authentic and was hold by Marie Weil on her night desk until 1984.

10 days after the remarkable handwritten note on the visit card of the Gutacker Company markered the calendar date of 5th November 1926, the death of Carl Wilhelm Weil is reported the day 15th November 1926 within an orbituary notice published on page 8 of the General Anzeiger of the City of Frankfurt am Main. Inside the short orbituary note Mrs. Marie Weil and her children from Emmershäuser Hütte announce to all of their acquaintances the sad news, that their "beloved husband and good father" C.W.Weil has died unexpectedly in the town of Giessen as an "result of an operation". The Weil-Family stem book registeres his exact death date first with 9.11.1926, but then the entry is deleted again, having been placed erroneously in the table field of defunction of his son, who also carried the name Carl Wilhelm Weil junior.


Carl Wilhelm Weil seniors orbituary note
in the Frankfurt General Announcer from 15th November 1926

Carl Wilhelm Weil seniors death date registry in the family stem book
erroneously placed in the table field of his son´s defunction
and later erased again without replace elsewhere.
His death date 9.11.1926 is an inversion of his mother death date 11.9.1870.

About the hospital site in Giessen, the ailment treated and the details of "the operation" no documents remain conserved in the CID Institute´s Family Museum document collection. Also remains unknown, why the family from the remote Taunus Mountain range village published an orbituary in the far urban Frankfurt General Announcer meanwhile the local newspaper should have been the nearby printed Usinger Anzeiger. One reason might be, that Carl Wilhelms son Carl Weil junior, who worked as accountant at Boehler Eyewear Factory, at that time already was employed in that town an lived there for professional reasons. Also the Emmershausen Weil-Family family maintained long year friendship relation to the Frankfurt Achenbach and Freymann families. A direct familiar relationship to the Watchmaker and Gold Buyer Store at Leipziger Street namend CARL WEIL and founded 1912 might be possible - Carl Wilhelm´s son Carl Weil junior had his residence at Schlossstrasse only some steps away from that store - but until now couldn´t be confirmed.

CARL WEIL Gold Store at Leipziger Strasse Frankfurt founded 1912
with until now unconfirmed relationship to Carl Wilhelm Weil senior or junior.

Carl Wilhelm´s Leaving  at the End of Weimar and beginning Third Empire Decade

The details of Carl Wilhem Weil´s progress from his family home at Emmershäuser Hütte are not registered in the CID Institute´s Museum Archives, but for sure somewhere else. As his daughter Marie told to her progeny, her father was brought to a "Hospital in Giessen" from where he didn´t return, without specifying details of his health condition. 

At that time, in November 1926, the three remaining woman of his family, his wife (49) and two daughters (26 & 22), started to manage their house alone, but also should have been already used to do that, because their father and husband had been always absent over long times. His son Carl Weil junior, at that time 25 years old, probably was already employed as clerc at Boehler Optical Factories and lived in Frankfurt. In a certain way they had been economically assured, beeing themselves houseowners and landlords over less 5 meadows in the Emmershausen area. Further, the common testament from June 1925 declared Anna Maria Weil as sole heir of all common goods of the couple, without specifying an resting financial amount. Unknown is the relationship of Carl Wilhelms family to that Missis Tilly Achenbach that has been mentioned already as participant in a house insurance contract from June 1920, but relationships to an greater family namend Achenbach with origin from Frankfurt have been maintained by the Emmershausen Weil family less until the 1960ies.

Anna Maria Weil (center) widow of Carl Wilhelm Weil, beneath a girl with partially similar facial expression characteristics as found on portraits of her daughter Hedwig Weil. The woman at the left might be Missis Tilly Achenbach. The photography might date into the years 1910-20 but remains with doubtful authenticity 


The personal objects of Carl Wilhelm and documents related to him remained preserved in the household by his wife and later by his daughter and granddaughter, what indicates the ongoing superior meaning of his person in his family. A decade later, when nationalsocialist madness came to outbreak 1936 in Germany, all objects that indicated a relationship to Jewish religion had to be removed and had to be hidden outside the house. It´s then when dissappeared some religious relics from the families house altar that had been situated in the western living room of the second floor in an round arch house altar in a wall niche, where the Menora stood. Some other remaining objects like the wooden Jewish Life Tree probably belonged to the house altar installation and are still conserved.

The 3-woman family passed so through the ending years of the Weimar Republic, the World Economic Crisis from 1929 until the beginning of the Hitler regime in 1933 without father and husband. Probably the widow and her unemployed two daughters remained hold by the strong informal countryside solidarity structure and their friendship circles abroad. Actually still unknown is, if Anna Maria maintained correspondance relationships during these years to he family members emigrated towards the U.S.A., but the countryside household was also used to receive Spa guests from the Frankfurt / Wiesbaden region. Between those figured Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, Peter von Zahn and members of the Frankfurt Achenbach family. The families Painting Gallery was founded in these decades, some of the paintings might even have been painted at the Emmershäuser Hütte. 

At 5th October 1928, about 11 month after her husband had died, Anna Maria Weil received an own travel passport from Usingen district administration, valid until 4th October 1933 - that means, about one month before the smaller daughter of the couple Hedwig died. Her passport registeres two travels to Basel Switzerland at 12th October 1928 and at 12th October 1931.

Anna Maria´s Passport from 5th October 1928

The internal sicology of the three womans household relationships are difficult to reconstruct hypothetically 90 years later. But Carl Wilhelms youngest daughter Hedwig, born at Emmershausen and aged 22 years in the moment of his supposed death, was described as handicapped, having transitted a poliomyelitis desease during her childhood years. This "poliomyelitis" must have had as effect a certain body weakness and a reduced growth, what flowed into a "short stature" of the body of Hedwig. In other words she was described by her older sister Marie as "retarded" so that she could not fulfill the expectations adressed to a woman of 22 years by her surroundings.

In fact the remaining photographies of Hedwig Weil´s older years show her in the size of an adolescent child and mostly sitting in company of adults. But in spite of that she must have had a strong emotional sensibility, artistic abilities as painter and  a high degree of intelligence, as her sister told later. Meanwhile her father Carl Wilhelm existed, he maintained a strong protective relationships towards her, so that her limitations, described as "discapacitations" by her social surrounding, where covered by the familiar margin. Probably also her bigger sisters Marie´s attention was drawn towards her and she remained at home and helped her mum and sister, even if she was already nearly 30 years old when her daddy dissappeared. This personal protection of Hedwig started to get lost during the years 1927 until 1933 when father Carl Wilhelm had dissappeared and when sister Marie started to engage herself in a love relationship.

That happened, when Marie met probably in 1932/33 the 5 years younger Günther Klinge, an attractive, black-eyed man with shining view, whose lively facial expression probably amazed her strongly, remembering her own fathers look in his younger years.

Günther Paul Alfred Klinge during the early 1940ies

Günther, born 8th Juni 1905 as son of Johann Klinge and Alwine Reinke in Solemyn (Sulmin-Otomin), a village situated about 13 kilometers west of City of Gdansk (formely Danzig). His birth place so is situated in beeline on the half distance between Emmershausen and Saint Petersburg, the origin place of Carl Wilhelm Weil´s father, or Marie´s grandfather. A geographic destiny fact that probably changed not only the life of Günther essentially, as later will be visible.

When Sulmin was reintegrated into Poland after the end of WW I in 1920, the there setteling population with german passports was requested or to change to polish nationality or to abandon it´s posessions in from then on Poland territory. The local greater Klinge family took the latter decision and migrated towards Germanies west, where they took new residences. Brothers and cousins of Günther found similar employments as forest rangers in Haidmühlen (Schleswig Holstein) and Hirzenhain (Westerwald) meanwhile Günther came to the Usingen Taunus region where he found employment as health service cashier assistant of the AOK General Regional Health Insurance dependance in that small Taunus town. 

Günther and Marie Weil married the 20ies December of 1934 in Rod an der Weil, the neighbour village of Emmershausen. When exactly they had met first time is not registered.

Hedwig Weil´s death is registered relatively exact 13 month before that marriage date. Astonishingly her birth had been registered at the Rod an der Weil registrar´s office but her decease was registered by the Heinzenberg registrar´s office, an village situated already in the Upper Lahn Valley District (Oberlahnkreis) but not more inside the Usingen District and so formally was not the official site for the death registry of that 33 year young woman that lived at Emmershäuser Hütte inside Landkreis Usingen. A administrative fact that calls attention on the details of the disappearances of Hedwig Weil and her daddy Carl Wilhelm Weil between 15th November 1926 and 22nd November 1933.

So an open question in the family genealogy remains, how the new relationship between Marie and the health insurance employee Günther interfered and changed the intrafamiliar balance between the three womans living at Emmershäuser Hütte together. Probably Günther occupied the mind of Marie in a way that separated her from her younger sister, what didn´t strengthen necessarily the intrafamiliar holding structure of the "handicapped" girl Hedwig. If the AOK employee, politically inclinated towards the Nazi philosophy, interfered directly in the intrafamiliar balance by strenghtening an displacement process against Hedwig, is unknown, as well as the political position of the AOK Usingen in the later Fascist T - 4 Program is here unknown. Extermination camps for so called "Discapacitated" Human beings existed nearby in Idstein (Kalmenhof), Weilmünster and Hadamar (Mönchberg) but the officil T-4 Program started only in 1939, meanwhile the separating Nazi terminology against so called "Handicapped" people initiated already in 1934. 

As fact remains, that the handicapped daughter Hedwig of the illigitimate son Carl Wilhelm followed her father to death registry exactly 7 years later at the age of 30. 

Her sister Marie during the 1960ies until her death in 1984 yearly gave contributions to the Bethel Society. Heinzenberg is also the most near situated train station for Hedwigs living place Emmershausen.

Hedwig Weil *27.12.1903 - 22.11.1933

The Art of regional german "Amt"-Authority, to treat dissappearances of persons in a way that leaves open for intepretation, if the dissappeared had become victim of a crime or simply "was droven away" to somewhere else to start a better life abroad, is the most interesting administrative strategy to cover assassins and to strenghten "force" behaviour - but also to protect the still living survivors - and most typical for the Hessen-Nassau region. Nevertheless, the doubt remains and the further life of the progenys and relatives ignorant of the effective occurrences is determinated by eternal doubts and investigation efforts about what had happened really. A fundamental society problem that structures the Taunus population in two conceptional halves : criminal polices and assassins. The circumstances of "death" of Carl Wilhelm Weil and his daughter Hedwig, developed in a direct line from the necropsis of Elisabethna Michailowna Romanowa and her child (1845) and Wilhelmine Katharine Friederike Weil (1870), determinated so decisivly the development of the third generation born in 1935 and ended in 2012, as well as the following new relationships constructed and based on that historical pre-conditions.

The Third Generation of the Weiltal Carl Wilhelm Weil Family
during Rise and Fall of the Nazi Empire

Between Günther Klinge and Marie Weil a strong Love relationship started to grow. Günther probably replaced Marie´s missing father not only due to his similar physiognomie but also because of his origin from the german-russian border provinces situated near to Marie´s grandfather´s living place Saint Petersburg. 

The love couple married 13 month later as the loss of Hedwig and soon Marie became pregnant and their common daughter Rosemarie came to earth 10 month later at 8th October of 1935. The child´s second name, Elisabeth, might have been already a reminiscence to Elisabethna Michailowna memorized also by an chapel with golden towers constructed for her on the top of the Wiesbaden Neroberg.

Rosemarie Elisabeth Klinge-Weil with her parents Marie and Günther in front of their families residence at Emmershäuser Hütte in 1936

As Hedwig had no children and also from Karl Weil junior no proper descendants are known, Rosemarie was the first grandchild of the Carl Wilhelm Weil family stem and remained also the unique family representant in the next generation, beeing the only child born from the couple Günther & Marie. 

In the year 1936  that followed the birth of Rosemarie, in the United States of America a cinema film titeled Rose-Marie came to the screens. The played story touches abandoned forest housing sites, forest ranger personalities, horseman, brother-sister drama, indigenous rituals, a love story and a crime scene story and so constructs several transference-bridges to the Weil-families life-scenery at Emmershäuser Hütte. Rose-Marie in the film embodies a singer named Marie de Flor. In several aspects the film´s existence might have interfered later in Rosemarie´s life, as will be explained later in this text, even if she never had seen that cinema production herself. It is to ask, if the sofisticated libretto of the film had ben written by a subtile sicologist who maybe made references to the background of the loss of Hedwig Weil and her father.

Günther´s strength as husband, father and man leaded  towards a short uprise of the state of mind of the remaining family at Emmershausen, after having lost the daddy and the youngest sister. But his force had several sources that were almost impossible to combine. On one hand his love to his wife and daughter gave him a stable life perspective, also maintained by the backing of his relatives from Klinge family, a traditional forest ranger and hunter family that cultivated solid family structures. On the other hand Günther was unstable towards the uprising Nazi-madness and integrated inside those uniformed men circles, that increased each other´s inebriation with which they drove themselves towards the preparation of the men-madness-phenomenon that later was described as Second World War.

Günther was slowly dissolved from his home and father-spouse-daughter relationship by his men-group attachment 4 years and 1 month later than Rosemarie´s birth, when at 1938.11.9. the so called "crystal night" events struck also their hometown Usingen. About 9 month later the men-group attraction became so strong, that Günther left his home to participate in the german armed forces military campaign against France, an event called later the "outbreak of WWII" in September 1939.

During the first "war"-years Günther´s integration in Germanies military campaigns amazed his home resting wife an daughter. His uniforms, horse, promotions in military degree and their common conviction of fighting for the common cause of their country and the national empire phantasy, drove them on together for less 28 month. They received countinously letters from their daddy abroad and he returned three times to his home from the front-lines in France and Russia, mostly for Christmas, but then left again, last time for New Years Day 1941/42.

It seems here, that Günther was droven by a certain destiny into somewhat as a "process" that started to turn his personality into a similar behaviour pattern as the father of his spouse had lived, who also left home constantly to go for longer journeys as travelling commercial agent, wrote letters from abroad and then returned to home. Married with a daughter of a Russian Romanov family descendant, also his travelling towards Russia, the homeland of his father in law, seems to have been a fate, following an fateful attraction by his familiars there, but unnoticed by himself. So he moved during his participation inside the Russia Military Campaign of "Deutsche Wehrmacht" probably inside a visionary "tunnel", inconcient about that fact, that his unknown relatives in that country observed and assessed him. We can deduce that from a series of photographies that he took during his Eastland-travel and that form part of the CID Institute´s photographic collection

But something weakened the internal family stronghold between Günther, his daughter and his spouse, who showed less comprehension for his reasoning to return to the front again after New Year day 1942, as can be deduced from some letters she wrote. Her presentiment might have also been strengthened by one of Günther´s Russia-photographies that he sent return to his home and that showed an intense looking Ucrainian lady, so that his spouse Marie maybe started to doubt about the pure military reasoning of her husbands absence. 

Other pictures of Günther showed his travel-colleagues. exclusively german men, mostly uniformed, sometimes sitting together in groups. Günther "shot" them with his camera during the german military campaign in Russia and sent the pictures return to Usingen, where Th. Reusch Photoshop developed the films and made picture copies. 

That last fact makes thinking more profound. A lieutenant of German Wehrmacht, group leader of S.A., taking portrait pictures of german soldiers in Russia and sent them home with details information about the picture site, meanwhile the german "Feldpost" censorship strictly prohibited to give details about military information in the letters sent to home ? 

Maybe Günther´s men-group-attachments weakened parallel and synchronized to his also crumbling family ties during the first six month of 1942. At the same time he still received at his Russian front-line nearly dayly letters from his daughter and her mum, full of love declarations and the hope of his return - a fact that might have manured a certain jealousy between his colleagues which might have begrudged him about his tender loving woman and daughter.

At United States Independence Day, the 4th of July 1942, something killed Günther some kilometers south of Charkow (Charkiv) at the age of 37, as his wife later was told in a letter sent by his military colleagues, who offered to her and Rosemarie also their intense dedication. So ended the first new reconstruction attempt of the Weiltal Weil family at Emmershausen in the swamps of Russia, the homeland of Rosemarie´s great grandfather after 6 years and 9 month of her life.

Spatial relationship between East European descendece and life end places

Maybe Adolf Hitlers military campaign in Russia would have developed different, if Günther Klinge and his men would have traveled towards the Baltic Northeast, to arrive there at Saint Petersburg, the hometown of Wilhelmine Katherine Friederikes´s Russian Lover from 1869. Saint Petersburg, a much more noble, modern developed and attractive travel destination than the muddy swamps and barren endless steppes of southeastern Ucrainia. But german men community projects never are guided and driven by Love Affairs, they moved towards Ucrainia to strengthen there with their amazing "Nazi Force" their german emigrants that lived there mostly in rather undeveloped and miserable poor countryside conditions. Even poorer than the Emmershausen situation from 1933/42. So Günther Klinges photographies from Ucrainia painted in 1942 at Th. Reusch photographic darkroom laboratoy an misery phantasy that made the Usinger Homeland finish with the photographer - and with Russia. The Taunus Mountains from then on started to wait their stronger emigrants that they had sent before towards the United States of America. Their doing started to get famous short before the last common christmas party at Emmershausen, when at 7./8. December 1941 Pearl Harbour made something bigger. Hitler must have felt similar and called the german emigrants in the United States to return to their german homeland by declaring "the war" to their government.

From that 4th July 1942 on, Anna Maria in Emmershausen waited the return of her relatives from Covington, Philadelphia, Indanapolis and Cincinnati. Her daughter Marie went to a widow mourning that never ended and dressed in black until 1984, hoping that the news from Urainia maybe where wrong and her husband would return so as the neighbor husband, Mr. Filbert, did. And Rosemarie started to hate the Russians that killed her daddy. 

The Russians came. But the US Army came faster and stopped them at time at the from then on new east-west-german borderline before they could reach the Weil families house at Emmershäuser Hütte. Also Hitler came to the Usingen region, took his headquarter at Kransberg, made an airport at Merzhausen and drove around the Weiltal-Valley Railway with his commando-train. He reached Weilmünster around christmas / new year 1944, where, as the legends and tales tell, he directed together with his general staff from inside the train tunnel the "Ardennes Offensive", the last greater counterstike of german military in WWII.

Their war ended 8th May 1945.

The After-War-War 

The three remaining womans from Carl Wilhelm Weil´s family at Emmershäuser Hütte had to organize life new. Livelihood was difficult because of groceries shortages due to low agricultural production - many men were absent in military campaigns - and war-time import embargos. 

But even without father, husband or head of household they developed astonishingly well. Rosemarie, who found in her village school teacher, Mr. Wies, an substitute for her missing father´s guidance and orientation, developed under his cover her interest in nature science, geography and regional history. Her next educational step led her to the higher commercial school to Bad Homburg, where the influence of new political horizons set up by the new US-authorities developed her political visions towards libertarian philosophies.

Meanwhile in Germany the legal and parallel also the folkish "reconditioning" of the "War-time-events" started and the "processing" of "Nazi-dictatorship" and "war-crimes" occupied thinking, mind and logic of the old, the recent and the following generation.

Günther Klinge´s activity as photographer, that should have offended heavily against the Nazi military confidentiality laws, must necessarily have drawn the attention of the Nazi Military Security Service or the GeStaPo on his person. If it caused also his death "South of Charkiv" is here unknown. But probably his family relationships to descendants from the Russian Zar Family might have been a reason for the GeStaPo, to investigate him under suspicion of secret service activities or spionage for Russia.

Necessarily german State Security then must have started to investigate also the behaviour of the remaining family nucleus, the three woman at Emmershausen. They found there, that Marie and Rosemarie didn´t dissolve their relationship to their daddy, but migrated constantly to the villages war victim memorial site at the Emmershausen cemetery, holding there their love-ceremonies to their daddy and husband, where Günthers name was registered as "Missed", an jewish or indigenous battle-strategy of woman who´s men have been "killed" in combat. And technocrats panic in front of indigenous anime power.

Emmershausen at that date might have been also a "black box" for outsiders, beeing the Taunus and even more the Weiltal-population a rather closed society with internal rules that protected "their people" by a strict silence codex or parallel distraction by confusing story telling.

At 1945-1950 the villages "crime-scene" included older and more recent events, as far as known here. From 

  • the historic "Franzen´s Grave" a thematic arc could be drawn to 
  • the "Schwieder´s Weiher" surroundings, where a more recent single gravestone in the wood remembered the assasination of an unnamed woman. She - a was told - met frequently with a lover from Rod an der Weil in the forest near Emmershäuser Hütte until she was found dead there in a distance of about 622 meters from Carl Wilhelm Weil´s house. 
  • During Nazi "crystal night" skirmishs in 1938/39 an attack of NSDAP-fighters on sindicalists at Emmershäuser Mühle, a formation camp of IG BSE, might have ocurred, according to unconfirmed sources, where windows got broken and the head of the workers union convention center might have resulted dead. 
  • In the villages Bangert Strasse at armistice 1945 a group of "russian" slave labor workers, who where quartered there inside a private house allegedly shot the house owner because he had treated them bad during their war prisoner time. 
  • Finally is told, that after the official end of war combats in May 1945 an US Army Tank was stationed in a distance of 290 meters north the village exit towards Weilburg at the margin of Weil Strasse. Then village children approached to that military vehicle and US soldiers started to get confiance and talked with them distracted, when an Ex-SS-Soldier hidden in the near forest sneaked up on the US tank and threw a granade to it´s inside. 

To all these here known community crime tales summed up the private Weil family crime scene at Emmershausen that included the unexplained death or dissappearances of Carl Wilhelm in a Giessen hospital in 1926, Hedwig somewhere in 1933 and Günther South of Charkiv at 4th July 1942.



The new Family Alliance Weil - Klinge - Zanger

In that plan appears the Wetzlar ZANGER-Family, that migrated around the end of WWII from Wetzlar to Emmershausen and setteled there.

The Zanger-family had ran a factory for optical precision mechanic in Wetzlar, the Zanger & Endres Company founded 1919 with production plant at Hessenstrasse near Dill river bank. During air raids of Allied Air Forces between 20th July and 19th September 1944 against the Buderus, Leitz and Roechling industry plants, allegedly a bomb hit also the Zanger & Endres fabrication site at Hessenstrasse. The family then had to remove from Wetzlar and found new lodging at Emmershausen, quartered there as "bombed out" in private houses. 

This motive to remove from Wetzlar to Emmershausen later from multiple side was put in question and considered as a "legend" to place the family members as "informers" into the closed Emmershausen world to "manage" the ongoing war-crime-processing by presence in a war-disturbed community-world and by raising up in that rural site a new fabrication plant for microscopes to employ the local young men.

A further motive also might have been the establishing of contact to the remaining familiars of Carl Wilhelm Weil, considering that his russian descendence and the existence of a single grandchild - Rosemarie - attributed to her a importance as heritage follower in the structure of the Romanov Dynasty, what would have attributed to here a certain importance for german foreign policy. Also the Wetzlar Zanger-families head, Mrs.  Gertrud Kornelia Zanger-Schmidt, was endowed with a "Russian" pre-history. She, native in Leipzig and later resident in Berlin, had passed a certain time in the russian capital Moscow in here unknown function.  

Images of Gertrud Kornelia Zanger-Schmidt in the CID Institute family photography archive show her 1908 in Moscow and later on a whole Zanger family tableau in Apolda  / Thuringia

The ostensible "out-bombing" of the Zanger´s from Wetzlar - the bomb had hit allegedly their factory in Hessenstrasse but not their houses in Helgebachstrasse or Stoppelberger Hohl - maybe was constructed as myth to enter in contact more easy with the Weil family that suffered a similar experience.  

In 1994 the Weil family house at Emmershäuser Hütte has been exactly overflown by a fighting plane, that dropped a line of about 4-6 bombs that crashed in the forest near the village sporting ground at a distance of about 444 meters before the Emmershäuser Hütte. Having crossed the house the plane couldn´t recover sufficient altitude and crashed then - in beeline 1250 meters more far to southeast - against the Hirtenberg, where it grounded.

1944 Bomber Aircraft Crash near Emmershäuser Hütte
Yellow Line : Flight Path of the crashing plane

The bomber plane crash was explained to the Weil-family with the version, that a RAF bomber (probably type "Lancaster") that participated in airstrikes against Wetzlar or Merzhausen "Schafweide" Military Airport, had been hit by german anti-aircraft fire and went towards grounding, so that the crew, short before crashing released all bombs to lower weight or avoid an explosion when touching ground. A pilot died, his name was given to the Weil family as Harry Gordon. A single womans shoe was found in the plane. From the pilot´s parachute later in 1950 a white dress was sewn for Rosemarie Klinge-Weil. 

During the 1960ies the author of this resumption remembers a conversation that discussed also the possibilitay, that the crashed aircraft was a havary plane of German Luftwaffe, that tried still to reach Schafweide Feldflughafen Airport at Merzhausen. 

The option, that the plane flew a direct air-strike against Emmershäuser Hütte, but missed it with it´s bombs and was hit from there by anime power in revenge and crashed consequently, was not discussed. But Rosemarie Zanger as about 10 year old child when the event ocurred, was profoundly harmed by the "Tiefflieger"-Experience, so that traumatical psychotic consecuences appeared in her even decades later. Under narcosis, when her first child was born, she was told that she cried of fear from deep flying attack planes.

The actual investigation results of the aircraft crash event by CID Institute Family Museum is summarized so far, that two recorded military aircraft crashes of a german Ju 88 at 24/25. March 1944 and a US B 17 at 12th May 1944 could be source of the family knowledge about the describe aircraft crash event (See : "Emmershausen History : The 1944 Bomber Airplane Crash at Hirtenberg")

The Zanger-family established itself at Emmershausen "Bangert"-Road (Gertrud Ilse "Traudel" & Mr. Scholz / near the "russian shooting event") in the "Weil"-Road Gasoline Station at Nicolai  & Schott family (Verena / near the US-Tank-event) and at "Emmershäuser Hütte", where Mrs. Gertrud Zanger Schmidt and her husband Mr. Karl Louis Zanger (near the "Emmershäuser Mühle" event site, the air strike crash and the Weil-family house) took their "new home" quartered with the Filbert-Maurer family.

The Zanger-daughters Verena and Traudel (Gertrud Ilse) both had served as German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Intelligence Assistants. Karl Louis and his wife didn´t occupy military service degrees. Their older son Heinz had been officer of the german Tank Division, the younger Rolf had served as Navy sailor as "Machine mate" on Battleship Scharnhorst. Both sons still remained absent in Military Hospital or respectively as US-Prisoner of War between 1945 and 1948.


The Zanger sister in military function during World War II
Left : in unknown company Verena 2nd from right, Traudel at the right 
Right : Verena probably in Paris or Switzerland

A further aspect that might have been of interest or under investigation was the question about the identity or whereabouts of children that temporarily had rested at the Weil-families house at Emmershäuser Hütte and have been taken there also in picture. Some of these images are given here in the margin of CID Institute Museum in the portrait gallery of Hedwig Weil. Between these photographies figures as most important an apparently constructed double-identity of Hedwig Weil herself. Hedwig appears on most acknowledged images with identity confirmed by her sister Marie as young woman with dark hair and eyes and reduced body height that suffered physically limitations due to poliomyelitis and "died" in November 1933. But one local passport image shows her with blond hair and rather different facial characteristics and much younger than the 19 years that she had in 1922. The question arises so, if Anna Maria Weil maybe had a fourth daughter that remained unknown in the oficially registered family memberships and that played double identity with Hedwig, as long as Hedwigs father has been absent from home as travelling businessman. An interpretation that shall not distract from the question where Hedwig remained.

Hedwig Weil Portraits

For the daily life these crime scene and war crime topics might not have had priority importance. Regarding the 3 Weil family woman, the both older ladies managed the house meanwhile Rosemarie finished her Higher Commercial School formation in Bad Homburg and started jobbing at Koch car dealers in Oberursel first. Then she advanced to be the secretary of the Usingen district administrator Heinrich Müller until her following marriage and mothership with her future husband Rolf Zanger.

But before Rosemarie an Rolf approached to each other in a relationship, the Zanger family in Emmershausen suffered first the loss of their head, their mother Gertrud, that died in January 1951 under unexplained circumstances and allegedly after unappropriate medical intervention in the Friedrichsdorf-Köppern Sioli-Hospital "Hüttenmühle". Suspected was a "head-operation" that led to her death in operation. 5 1/2 years later, when Rosemarie and Rolf already had become a married couple, also Rolf´s younger sister Verena died in Emmershausen in unexplained circumstances. Allegedly she drunk erroneously from a water bottle that contained acetic acid in the house where she lived and died later in the Usingen hospital. 

The new families common crime scene in number of cases of lost family members summed so up to 5. A desaster that might be explainable by the established successful approach of the newcomers to the investigated items. And a precondition that determined decisively the new family-development of the following years and decades.

Carl Wilhelm Weil (56) + 5.-15.11.1926 "Hospital Giessen" ???
Hedwig Weil (30) + 22.11.1933 "??? Heinzenberg"
Günther Klinge (37) + 4.7.1942 "Shrapnel Charkow"
Gertrud Kornelia Zanger Schmidt (67) +16.1.1951 "Head Operation Köppern Hospital"
Verena Zanger (39) +8.10.1956 "Poisoned by Acetic Acid Hospital Usingen"

The third Generation

With the Alliance of Rolf Zanger and Rosemarie Klinge-Weil in 1956, the Family-Line of Carl Wilhelm Weil senior, the founder of the Emmershäuser Hütte residence since 1903, went to it´s third generation with the birth of their first child - a son - one year later at 14th July 1957. Peter Ulrich - maybe a reference to Tzar Peter the First and Ulrich van Hutten - came to earth at Frankfurt Bürgerhospital, where his medics had to save his life at once due to an overdose of amniotic fluid that he swallowed short before birth finished. In the overcrowded maternity ward he then shared his first days - separated from his mother - in a child bed together with an also newborn girl. 

His grandmothers´s great wish was, that Peters parents should give him the name Günther, so that Rosemarie´s lost war-victim-daddy and her lost husband would return so with the birth of the new child. But Peter´s parents decided different, probably also due to the hostilities the family suffered from different sites, referring to alleged "war-crimes" that Rosemaries father Günther in the opinion of certain people ostentible commited as SA group-leader. In fact Rosemarie once was refused to be attended as client in the Usingen Loetze Pharmacy with the words "Here we never serve for the daughter of a Günther Klinge".

Peter grew up during the first 12 years of his life inside the house of Carl Wilhelm Weil and surrounded by the historic familiy objects, brought by his great-grandfather and his spouse from Basel to Emmershäuser Hütte. He also shared there his living space with Carl Wilhelm´s spouse Anna Maria and his children Marie and Carl Wilhelm junior.

A first experience, that his life from the beginning on stood under the star of his lost ancestors and the animistic-religious believe of his familiars, that the souls of the dead - especifically of Verena Zanger and Hedwig Weil - would reappear in him, Peter received already during the first month of his life, when a metal bed-bottle filled with boiling water burned severely the skin of his legs, so that he had to be transferred in emergency to the Usingen hospital, where exactly 9 month before his birth had died his aunt Verena intoxicated. Even when healed the burned wounds, a metaphysical strong pain inside his legs tortured him since then mostly at night and formed so maybe a psychosomatic bridge to his second lost great aunt Hedwig and her unexplainable poliomyelitis leg suffering.

A seperating treatment by other village children did´t become sensible to him the first years, when he lived alone as single child isolated from the village at his forest side residence, but when first contacts where closed for the traditional Pentecoste ceremony, Peter was excluded by other village children from participation in the children "Pentecoste Manikin" procession. A year later, when examined by an official medic preparatory to school start he was rejected from entering in the first class of the local village ground school because of the diagnosis of beeing "not sufficient developed". 

Meanwhile his nocturne leg-pains became treated with familiar homemade nature medicines - pine needle extracts in alcohol - other leg sufferings as painful warts had to be healed by regional nature healeresses, the native "witches". For other "chronic" mostly digestive sufferings Peter often was presented in front of regional medics - a sign that his parents or his wider family used him as "process-child" in the confusing web of post-war "Processing of War Events", and in a time where families disunited by war searched lost parents, children or fathers. 

In these years from 1964 until 1969, when Peter visited first Emmershausen basic school, Riedelbach midpoint school and then Usingen High School CWS, an significant number of desaster events struck the families inmediate surrounding at Emmershäuser Hütte. Between those figure most important a heavy car crash of three family members at Sandplacken with a car from Schmitten droven by the Hotel owner Mrs. Ochs, the nearly drowning of two children in the Weil River at the height of the Weil families meadow and an car crash inside that river at same place. The events became followed by an accident of Peters father that drove him into Frankfurt University Clinic to an vertebral surgery and later Hepatitis infections of both, first father and then son. The event series started with repeated weekend meetings of family friend circles on the Weil River Meadow between those figured as prominent the famous Frankfurt neurosurgeon and director of Frankfurt Niederad Neurosurgery (Edinger Institute), Prof. Dr. med. Wilhelm Krücke. 

From left : Prof. Dr. med. Wilhelm Krücke, Tommy, Edith Lappe, Rosemarie Zanger, son of Lappe family (hidden), Peter Zanger (drinking), Mark Zanger on his knees, about 1965/66 on the Weil-families Weil-River meadow. The two smaller boys later drowned in the river waters.
Foto : Rolf Zanger / CID Institut Family Museum

The growing number of inconventional "events" that struck the family at Emmershäuser Hütte during 1964-1967 might be a sign or a proof for the hypothesis, that the families integration in Emmershausen and the simultaneous family-internal processing of war events and reason searching for the loss of the 5 ancestors had led to a point of enlightenment, that started to generate defense reactions inside their social environment and started to generate so an desequilibrium. This indicates, that the reasons of death of Carl Wilhelm Weil, Hedwig Weil, Günther Kinge, Gertrud Zanger maintained an logic interrelation that probably started to discriminate the actor scene or actor circles of probable responsables of violent actions less against some of the dissappeared. 

This logic finds also it´s posterior confirmation in the several strange "document errors" of the administrative treatment of the persons in mention, from what may be deduced, that some probable crimne scene events have been tried to be covered - to "make peace". It allows the conclusion, that the death circumstances of these 5 familiars have to be re-investigated to detect possible crime scene backgrounds and to avoid future "system-desasters" generated by covering obvious crimes.

The Weil-Klinge-Zanger family, under impression of the events, during 1967 entered casually in contact with the conservative politician and member of Hessen Parliament Dr. Ernst Löw and the Weilmünster town major Dr. Waldemar Windmeier, who offered to them a new residence taking at Weilmünster for their houses and factory building. Several local construction companies from Emmershausen and Rod an der Weil took then the task to construct the new familiy settlement. The Zanger Klinge Weil families living house was "completed" in winter 1969 and the family-removal to Weilmünster started then. 

In these days, a classmate of Peter, a boy from Steinfischbach, who had heared, that Rosemarie Zanger and her son had started to raise a Natural History and Regional Study Museum at Emmershäuser Hütte, came to Peter and handed to him an old shooting gun, a double-barreled muzzle-loading pistol, that he had found inside an old Steinfischbach barn.

Historic double-barreled muzzle-loading pistol
a donation of a school-friend from Peter Zanger from Steinfischbach
to the Emmershäuser Hütte Waldmuseum,
the predecessor of the nowadays CID Institute Family History Museum at Weilmünster

We remember, Steinfischbach is the village where Peter´s great-great grandmother died at 11.9.1870, shortly after having given birth to her son, Carl Wilhelm Weil and after having been abandoned by his father, the russian private teacher from Saint Petersburg Tzar family. A destiny circle, that might have already ended Carl Wilhelms life at 9.11.1926 at the age of 56 and maybe also took his daughter Hedwig inside. A destiny circle that from then on also changed the guiding stars of Günther Klinge´s life and - who ever knows - already had interfered in the life projects of Gertrud and Verena Zanger. 

Carl Wilhelm Weil´s great-grandson Peter Ulrich Zanger itself is the author of this family history resumption, that is presented since autumn 2020 in the margin of the Internet appearance of the CID Institut ´Family History Museum, founded and raised up by the author since 2002 in Weilmünster on initiative of his mother, Rosemarie Zanger-Klinge-Weil, the granddaughter of Carl Wilhelm Weil. 

For that reason the detailled description of how Carl Wilhelm Weil´s parents desaster has interfered already in the life of Peter Zanger, mostly during his professional formation and activities since 1979 in Frankfurt, Managua, Medellin and Bogota since nowadays in Weilmünster won´t be given here.

  CID Institute Family Museum Photographic Collection FAMILY PORTRAIT GALLERY This Collection refers to and covers parts of the life history...